The following are documents we use on the boat. They are here for online access and likely not much interest to anyone else.
Check Lists: Both being avid list makers, we have created a series of checklists. Such as what to do when we arrive/leave the boat, before getting underway, etc. They all reside in one Word document which uses the forms function to create a “clickable” checklist we use on an iPad (I believe it requires MS Word to function). As with most checklists, this is an ongoing work-in-progress. Our Checklists.
Inventory: We may have taken this “list” thing to the extreme, but we maintain an Excel file which inventories most everything on the boat, and where it is located. It includes parts, supplies, obscure tools, fluids, cleaning supplies, and food (unless it is in the frig or perishable). While a significant task to build, it is very helpful in finding things, and even when we go to the store we can say “How many rolls of T/P do we have?” To see a copy, which is not current, click on Our Inventory.
Waste Management Plan: By Cost Guard regulations (Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 151.57), any boat over 40 feet in length must have a written Waste Management Plan. Our WMP.
Note: In addition, CFR 151.59 requires that all vessels 26 feet or greater in length have a “MARPOL Annex V placard” prominently displayed for the crew and passengers regardless of whether your boat operates on inland waters or the ocean. Ours in proudly displayed on the trash can on the sundeck! Placard may be obtained directly from the Coast Guard or Power Squadron.